
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mainstream Rules

Mainstream Rules!
Or a Downside of This Raw Experiment

Mainstream is tough and powerful machine. Going out is hard when you are trying to become raw/vegan. Mainstream society rules of what we ware, how we behave and what we eat are tough, especially if you want to break the rules but still be acceptable and likable in the society. It doesn’t help that most cultures’ socializing revolves around food and this is where it’s especially hard to be raw or vegan. My Ukrainian culture, for instance, is totally hooked on a cult of food.

I met for breakfast with 2 friends today in a French café. They love French cuisine with beautiful white breads, chocolate croissants, and other delicious goodies. The problem is I love it too! And, I am trying to stay away from it as far as possible (having a not so strong will power and in the beginning of my "vegan career"). Needless to say, it was an awkward behavior on my part and my friend thought that I was becoming a psycho. She even decided that I had a sad appearance and I need to stop loosing weight. The café didn’t have any lactose-free options for my coffee (I am not supposed to drink coffee either) so I just had a hot water with lemon. Weird me! Then I didn’t want to share dessert with Nutella. So I basically came across as a high maintenance weirdo. I still cheated on my new diet and had half of egg Benedict with salmon. I didn’t even enjoy it, (still remember those dry pieces of food going into my thought) just had to eat it not to look totally weird with an empty plate. This is not cafe’s fault. Their meals are fantastic for the mainstream society.  This is something I chose not for the sake of a diet! – I am not even losing any weight anymore, as I said earlier I could never stay on a diet – I chose it after hours and hours of research and random people’s testimonials. I chose it because I feel it’s the right thing to do for my overall health. I’m not trying to convert anyone, I just need my space and right to make my own decisions on what I eat and not to be judged upon it. and if I want to have an empty plate or just hot water- then accept it please people!

The hardest thing could be at home though. My loving hubby wants me to do whatever makes me happy, but, even though he’s happy to try on some vegan dishes, he wants meat! And he works long and hard hours so it’s just logical for me to cook for him at home instead of him having to pick something up on the way from work. Besides, meal cooked at home is of a better quality most of the times. I already spend a lot of time chopping and chopping those veggies or cleaning them for the juice. Then, I have to cook a regular meal?! On top of that, my toddler doesn’t want to eat anything except for golden fish and fruity bunnies. At least she helps me to make the juice, maybe eventually, she’ll want it.

Most of the raw websites suggest when you are starting: “through away all your pots and buy a huge cutting board, place it on your stove, and don’t forget to through away your microwave, too!” It’s not going to work in my home so I’ll have to continue my lonely vegan ride the tough way for now. Oh.. and when my parents, move in in a month, that’s going to be totally interesting. Will I quit this blog or will I become stronger?

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