
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I just started buying unfamiliar greens in my local produce store. It was recommended by one of the buyers and I decided to try it. Curious about what I have been juicing and putting in my body, this is what I found!

It turns out the name is Dandelion, Yes, that common yellow flower that’s a cute weed for some and a nuisance for others. I could not believe it! The leaves are very nutritious and good for you. The taste may be a little too bitter as we are so used to eating salty or sweet comfortable foods. To offset the taste, I just add some orange or grapefruit juice.

You can find a great article about the plant here:  Here is an excerpt from it:
“The leaves are more nutritious than anything you can buy. They're higher in beta-carotene than carrots. The iron and calcium content is phenomenal, greater than spinach. You also get vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-12, C, E, P, and D, biotin, inositol, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc by using a tasty, free vegetable that grows on virtually every lawn. The root contains the sugar inulin, plus many medicinal substances.
Dandelion root is one of the safest and most popular herbal remedies. The specific name, officinale, means that it's used medicinally. The decoction is a traditional tonic. Itís supposed to strengthen the entire body, especially the liver and gallbladder, where it promotes the flow of bile, reduces inflammation of the bile duct, and helps get rid of gall stones. This is due to its taraxacin. Itís good for chronic hepatitis, it reduces liver swelling and jaundice, and it helps indigestion caused by insufficient bile. Don't use it with irritable stomach or bowel, or if you have an acute inflammation.”

Dandelions are also good for the bladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach and intestines. It is recommended for stressed-out, internally sluggish, and sedentary people. Anyone who's a victim of excessive fat, white flour, and concentrated sweeteners could benefit from a daily cup of dandelion tea.

Dandelion rootís inulin is a sugar that doesn't elicit the rapid production of insulin, as refined sugars do. It helps mature-onset diabetes, and is used as part of a holistic regime for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).”

“They (dandelions) contain 7,000 units of Vitamin A per oz: lettuce contains 1,200 units and carrots contain 1,275 units so the dandelion leaves really pack a punch!. They are also an excellent source of Vitamins B, C and G.” (Source:

There are so many greens to learn about and I am in the early stages. If you know of a green that you like, please write a name of it in the comments section so all the readers can learn from our personal experience.

Dandelion Nutritional Facts:

100 edible grams of dandelion leaves, which is about 3 1/2  oz or nearly 1/4 pound, yields the following nutrients: 
300 mg. calcium,
66 mg. phosphorus,
3.1 mg. iron,
397 mg. potassium, 
14,000 I.U. vitamin A,
trace amunts of some B-complex vitamins, 
and 35 mg. vitamin C. 
It is also high in magnesium.

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