
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Geographic Tongue Dilemma, Part Two

Well Well Well.. It’s been four months since the change of our diet and lifestyle. I have done a lot of researching, thinking, writing, and going to different practitioners in the past trying to figure out what to do with my daughter’s conditions of two years – Geographic Tongue (GT) and almost chronic stuffy nose. You can read about it in GT Dilemma, Part One. This is the end of the story! Or better, a beautiful and happy beginning of a new and healthy one!

We found the simplest and most powerful solution!!! I switched the whole family to a different lifestyle that includes but not limited to wholefood based diet, clean and active, nutritious lifestyle that incorporates more alkaline foods. Her tongue looks fantastic except for a tiny spot here and there and her stuffy nose is gone. Four and a half years old now, she has been eating foods that irritated her the most in the past - avocados, oranges, tomatoes, and others without complaining; she is plainly enjoying them. Now, four months later, only walnuts, tangy salad dressings, and on a rare occasion fresh tomato seem to bother her a little bit. That’s all! My dear husband also gets plenty of influence since I am the cook in the family :). I am happy to be in a clean healthy environment myself. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight but most importantly I am modeling behavior for my daughter so she doesn’t feel like she is the only one drinking green smoothies and eating plenty of veggies. She actually loves green color in a drink!

So it’s been a positive change that brought me to believe that I can help people with similar problems and to help those that just want to change their lifestyle to a healthier sustainable one. But this is going to be my next post!

I know that posting my daughter's tongue's pictures is kind of weird but it has to be done so you can see the difference! Here we go:


  1. What did you do diet wise while her tongue was still aggravated by certain foods? Also, were there certain vitamins or supplements that you have her along with the diet regimen?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We stayed off any kind of sugar, white flour, gluten, and had plenty of colorful vegetables, nuts, and seeds everything organic. we were strict about reading all the labels to have no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives. we are still following these rules but not as diligent anymore as her immune system got rebuilt to a healthier one. I would take probiotic for sure. I would also have a blood work done to see if there are any deficiencies and would take those supplements if needed.
