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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Raw Food Cooking Class in Sarasota, FL

This is not just a cooking class, this is an art of making nutrient-packed meal for your family and actually enjoying the taste of it! 

Would you like to incorporate more vegetarian options in your weekly diet but feel overwhelmed by the task?

Would you like to learn how easy it is to make a veggie burger that is actually yummy?

How about some Teriyaki almonds or Maple Pecans for your snack on the go?

These healthy yummy alternatives are easy to make at your home and they keep well in the fridge! My policy is only easy and yummy recipes. I like to eat well but I don’t have time for complicated ones!

It's a great class to learn how to use a dehydrator but we can work with the oven too!  

Email me to request a private workshop.  Please include the preferable date/time.  First 5 people to sign up will get 50% off your private workshop and a bonus… it doesn’t matter how many people you invite!

  • Q&A with Marina Sommers, AADP Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Chef
  • Food we prepare together enjoyed by all participants
  • Quick meditation
 (grocery expense is not included)

Booking for October! Email me with any questions!

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